Performance and Versatility
Is the most common type of thermal transfer ribbon; it combines both wax and resin properties and can offer greater versatility.

Industries & applications
Enter the world of Thermal Transfer printing and discover the solutions and benefits it brings in every industry.
Retail Labelling
Tire Labels | Under The Hood | License Plates
Interior Labels
Warehousing & Logistics
Pallet Identification Labels | Shipping Labels | Rack Identification Labels
Food & Beverage
Produce Labels | Meat Packing Labels | Food Information Labels | Flexible Packaging | Crate and Tote Labels
Building Materials | Machinery & Equipment
Electronics and Tools
Outdoor Product Labels | Rating Plate Labels | Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Labels |Appliance Labels
the whole thermal transfer ribbon range is clear and easy to understand.
Based on a cost/performance ratio, ARMOR is introducing 3 families of Thermal Transfer ribbons, each of them comprising a wax, a wax resin and resin(s).
ACCESS: All that is needed for price-driven businesses.
CLUB: The ribbons for most applications with the best quality-price ratio and label compatibilities.
EXPERT: For the most demanding or specific applications with stringent requirements.
The quality of the print of these ribbons makes them perfect for long-term durability, traceability and resistance to extreme conditions
SPECIALS: The ARMOR-IIMAK range includes other ribbons designed to meet highly specific business needs.

Speciality - WAX / RESIN
Is the most common type of thermal transfer ribbon; it combines both wax and resin properties and can offer greater versatility.