
Barcode Scanners

Barcode Scanners

We partner with leading providers of global brands of barcode scanners, which include Honeywell and Zebra, and offer a comprehensive range to choose from to suit your application and environment. The range includes general purpose scanners for retail or commercial environments, industrial rugged scanners for harsh industrial applications and specialised healthcare scanners. 

Our range of handheld barcode scanners provide intuitive scanning of barcodes found in real-world environments – even poor quality and damaged barcodes, from retail-ready high scan intensity scanners to rugged, rubberized scanners for warehouse and distribution centres.

Check our range below.

Zebra general purpose scanner DS8100 1
Zebra logo
Honeywell Logo RGB Red
Honeywell general piurpose scanner Xenon 1 scaled

General Purpose Barcode Scanners

Honeywell general piurpose scanner Xenon scaled
Zebra general purpose scanner DS8100
Our range of Honeywell and Zebra general purpose handheld or hands-free barcode scanners are designed to meet a wide range of scanning needs, applications and budgets for small to medium-sized operations to track inventory and assets in a range of applications   – from retail-ready, high scan intensity scanners to rugged rubberized warehouse scanners.

Honeywell models include:
Voyager XP1470g; 1472g; Xenon XP1950g; 1952g; Orbit 7190g; Genesis XP7680g

Zebra models include:
DS8100; DS4600; DS2200; LI2208; LI4278; DS9900; DS9300; CS4070

Healthcare Barcode Scanners

Zebra healthcare scanners
Honeywell industrial scanner

With our range of Honeywell and Zebra barcode scanners designed specifically for healthcare and hospital applications, you can help improve patient safety and increase caregiver productivity.  Our healthcare scanners are robust so they can perform mission-critical tasks, and withstand constant anti-bacterial cleaning, as well as meet stringent COVID requirements. Our team of professionals will help you find a model to suit your unique barcode workflow needs.

Honeywell models include:
Xenon XP 1952h-bf; XP 1950h; 1952h

Zebra models include:
DS2200; DS4600; DS8100; DS9900

Industrial Barcode Scanners

Zebra industrial scanner
Honeywell healthcare scanner scaled

Our range of Honeywell and Zebra industrial barcode scanners offer superior durability and reliability in challenging and rugged work environments, such as manufacturing and warehouse tasks. These scanners stand up to harsh conditions and read at long distances and rapid speeds and are designed to capture labels that are far, damaged, or even covered by shrinkwrap.

Honeywell models include:
Xenon XP 1952h-bf; XP 1950h; 1952h

Zebra models include:
DS2200; DS4600; DS8100; DS9900